Dr. Edward Pasciuti Life-Long New Rochelle Resident and Philanthropist
After a long and distinguished career counseling and nurturing the youth of New Rochelle, Dr. Edward Pasciuti is making a substantial legacy gift to the Library Foundation. This incredibly generous act caps Dr. Pasciuti’s long history of service and generosity to our community. Ed’s boundless energy and commitment to making New Rochelle a better place is quite remarkable. Few individuals have
done more for the youth of our city than Ed, and now, with a legacy gift to the Library Foundation, that commitment and support will live on well beyond Ed’s lifetime.
“I chose the Library Foundation for my legacy gift because the Library encapsulates everything I love about New Rochelle. I was born in New Rochelle in 1926 and I have spent my whole life here. In 1944, I graduated salutatorian from New Rochelle HS and headed to Princeton. After the war I returned to Princeton and in 1949 after graduation, I returned to NRHS as a ‘hybrid’ History and Math teacher. Later I earned Master Degrees in Guidance and Psychology and then I spent the next 36 years as a NRHS Guidance Counselor with a small private practice. During those years I had the privilege to work with thousands of New Rochelle High School students. I retired in 1985 and moved to The Osborn Senior Living apartments in 2000. My connection to the Library is lifelong. To this day, at 96, I am still an avid Library user. I recently stopped most of my print subscriptions. I now read the NYT, WSJ, Time and Newsweek online with my library card. “

Establish your own personal legacy of reading, life-long learning and strengthening our community by including a bequest to the NRPL Foundation in your will.
For more information on Legacy Giving please email Chris Selin at nrplfoundation1@gmail.com or call (914) 813-3726.